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We are a flexible small team ready to prepare for you individual solutions from trading to technicals, monitoring, executions, position sizing, mentoring.

I do understand your needs and feelings, I´ve been on the other side of the table too and I am trading all Petronel Systems with my own money.

Oldrich Karas

May 10th., 2016

May 10th., 2016

Steady pace of Talos, our EMD system. One of our best performers this year creating another equity High, not a week after after his last one. Shouldn�t we increase the rent? Still it is just $50,- monthly.

1) For demonstration purposes hypothetical Tradestation charts and results are presented.

– comission $2.50 + 2.50 deducted

– position slippage 1 tick + 1 tick deducted

– subscription fee not deducted

– initial capital set to $10,000,- in 2010/01/01, one system traded, results not compounded

Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results

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